Search found 65 matches

by Rincewind
Sun Oct 04, 2020 03:25 UTC
Forum: BNT help and discussion
Topic: Hi, regarding no tab/two browser rule
Replies: 1
Views: 10029

Hi, regarding no tab/two browser rule

Any insight about why this is a rule? I mean, anyone who played this game seriously knows that kamiing is REALLY painful if you are not allowed using tabs :D Also, you cannot break a big bank without kamikaze attacks! How are we supposed to fight big banks? I'm supposed to click for ever of the 1000...
by Rincewind
Thu Feb 02, 2017 00:04 UTC
Forum: Installation Help
Topic: New Install
Replies: 27
Views: 71358

Re: New Install

Cron by default doesn't know any PATHs for security purposes, so if you want to use some, you have to specify them manually in your crontab. In your case, I don't see a reason why you would need paths (especially since you already have an absolute path to your lynx binary in your command) First comm...
by Rincewind
Tue Jan 17, 2017 02:36 UTC
Forum: BNT help and discussion
Topic: Switching from int32 to int64
Replies: 2
Views: 14401

Re: Switching from int32 to int64

Thanks heaps for the explanation and insight. I was hoping it would be easier to implement a workaround which would at least make the game a bit more enjoyable in the later stages. The admin of WyeSoft has a similar idea to recoding the whole game - so just a thought - maybe you two could collaborat...
by Rincewind
Sun Jan 15, 2017 04:21 UTC
Forum: BNT help and discussion
Topic: Switching from int32 to int64
Replies: 2
Views: 14401

Switching from int32 to int64

The guys at WyeSoft are running a quite successful game, with some improvements, too. In this post the Admin is saying he'd like to look into converting all ints to int64 so the score can be larger as wel...
by Rincewind
Wed Jan 11, 2017 01:28 UTC
Forum: BNT help and discussion
Topic: New official game?
Replies: 2
Views: 14507

Re: New official game?

I appreciate the reply. Looking forward to some new stuff. I enjoy playing the game as it is on WyeSoft but some of the issues make it pretty annoying. The biggest issue I think is the fact that I cannot withdraw more than int limitation value, but not all money from a planet. I want to be able to w...
by Rincewind
Tue Jan 10, 2017 05:06 UTC
Forum: BNT help and discussion
Topic: New official game?
Replies: 2
Views: 14507

New official game?

Is there going to be one anytime soon? Or you are solely focusing on developing the new client/server? Wyesoft one is pretty active but it's buggy (always 0 online). It's on MySQL so it's doomed with the max non-all transfer limited to whatever is its OS's int limitation etc. Also, score goes to -X ...
by Rincewind
Wed Dec 07, 2016 00:36 UTC
Forum: Installation Help
Topic: Local installation
Replies: 67
Views: 148927

Re: Local installation

Damn. Thanks for all your effort. I will hopefully figure it out. I have some ideas for after work.
by Rincewind
Wed Dec 07, 2016 00:35 UTC
Forum: Game Announcements
Topic: New Game need testing.
Replies: 3
Views: 21115

Re: New Game need testing.

I have not played, but from what I could see settings are standard and game registration/login works. Will probably give it a spin later today (after work).
by Rincewind
Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:44 UTC
Forum: Installation Help
Topic: Local installation
Replies: 67
Views: 148927

Re: Local installation

That's how I access it. I go to: that is correct, right? Also, see how in setup_info.php, although it says correct for gamepath and gamedomain, cookie test fails under Server Software/ Operating System tests. Cookie Test Failed testing Cookies! Please check your $gam...
by Rincewind
Tue Dec 06, 2016 08:34 UTC
Forum: Installation Help
Topic: Local installation
Replies: 67
Views: 148927

Re: Local installation

Yup, that worked fine.. setup_info.php now works a lot better.. still having some issues, though. It says creation of cookie 'PASSED' but Cookie test below fails, saying that my gamepath and gamedomain are incorrect, however it says it's correct at the very bottom of the page. :) http://110.174.197....